How often is it better to vaccinate a dog against rabies?

Now the dog is more people, because the dog in people’s lives actually has a very important role, is a good friend, of course, is also a lot of people, after work fun, then raising dogs, we still have to pay attention to prevention, rabies vaccine is regularly to the dog to play, then the next look at how long to play a dog rabies vaccine is better?

  1. dog rabies vaccine. Because the dog is after all an animal, in her body is containing a certain virus, so that they must be timely rabies vaccine, so as to prevent complications, but also for everyone’s own safety, rabies vaccine, now we have a domestic quadruple, there are also six, but now we tend to choose the six vaccines, because the six vaccines may be its role will be greater, in general The first rabies vaccination can be given when the puppy is three months old, so try not to let the dog go out within half a month after this, because the vaccine will take effect within half a month, it may be more troublesome to go out, and problems may arise, you can have three shots of rabies vaccine in a row, and then you can have one shot every year, you must remember the cycle of vaccination, not to miss, as the owner of the dog, we are As the owner of the dog, we are obliged to do these things for them.
  2. The price of the vaccine.
    In fact, rabies vaccine is now very common thing, as long as the dog owners, will regularly take the dog to play rabies vaccine, then play the vaccine above has been said, there are four and six, but now most people will choose six, and six vaccines are also different prices, there are imported and domestic, relatively speaking, the imported vaccine will be a little more expensive, about 120 yuan A two domestic vaccine in about 80 yuan, as to play which, or depends on your personal choice, except that the imported vaccine relatively speaking, the maintenance time will be a little longer, but know that even if the maintenance time is longer, we still have to go to play once a year, so you can choose according to their own economic situation and the actual situation of individuals, this is the introduction of the price of the vaccine.
    This is the answer to the question of how often a dog rabies vaccine is better, as a dog pooper, we must pay close attention to dog trends, especially rabies vaccine, this issue to go to the dog on time, that is, for the health of the dog, but also to protect their own safety, but also to be able to create a more secure and harmonious living environment for the people around.