How to treat fleas on cats These methods need to be mastered!

How to treat fleas on cats This problem is a headache for many shit shoveling officers. Because just one cat flea in your home can breed hundreds of cat fleas. So if the shit shoveling officer doesn’t come up with a surefire way, it’s hard to get rid of cat fleas completely.

As long as the temperature remains above 13 degrees, cat fleas can survive and reproduce. An adult cat flea can lay 4 to 20 eggs per day. If there is no external environmental constraints, an adult flea will lay 1,000 eggs in its lifetime. above eggs. The eggs will become larvae and adults in about 4 weeks. In spring and summer, fleas reproduce faster, and they can grow from eggs to adults in as fast as 13 days. Therefore, the shovel officer must pay attention to deworming cats.

Free-range cats are most prone to fleas, because they are more likely to come into contact with stray cats, and they are likely to catch cat fleas when they usually play in the grass and bushes. So are domestic cats free of fleas? Not really! Many families have cats and dogs. Dogs like to play outside. The fleas on dogs may be transmitted to cats. In addition, the shoes and trouser legs worn by the cat owner may also carry flea eggs. When the cat is in close contact with the owner, it may accidentally eat the flea eggs, thereby infecting the cat with fleas. All in all, cat fleas will find ways to infest cats.

So how does a shit shovel officer find cat fleas?

1. When a cat flea bites a cat, the itching is unbearable, so the cat will frequently groom itself and scratch it (mainly with its hind legs). Also, red spots or “scabs” appear on the area where the cat fleas have bitten.

2. The small size of cat fleas, coupled with the fact that they often move to suck blood, makes them difficult to find. The shovel officer can go to the cat’s hair to see if there is any feces left by cat fleas in it, which is the kind of black spot, a bit like coffee grounds. You can collect some of these black dots, put them on white paper, add water to melt, if the water turns red, it means cat fleas.

3. Of course, the shovel officer can also go directly to the cat to find cat fleas. Cat fleas like to stay on the inside of the cat’s body, such as the flank (from the underarm to the end of the ribs), thighs, around the abdomen, around the anus, tail, and inside the ears.

The following is the focus of today, how to treat fleas on cats?

How to treat fleas on cats? We need to understand something about cat fleas. The cat fleas that we can usually see are only adult fleas. They only account for about 5% of cat fleas, and the remaining 95% are flea eggs, Larvae and flea pupae, this part of the life form of cat fleas, are the top priority of flea control work, so if you want to completely kill cat fleas, you must choose a cat repellent that can prevent fleas in the entire life stage.

For example, Bleuen, its external driving part is effected by fipronil and methoprene, which can not only kill adult cat fleas, but also kill flea eggs, larvae and flea pupae. , so the fleas are completely cleaned and not repeated. At the same time, cats are infected with fleas, and they are likely to have tapeworms in their bodies, and Blein has taken this into consideration. Very good at killing tapeworms. In addition, it can also repel parasites such as common ticks, lice, ear itching mites, ear scabies mites, roundworms, and hookworms.

How to treat fleas on cats? Have you learned it? Finally, I remind everyone that in addition to deworming cats on time, the cleaning and disinfection of cats’ living areas should also be done well. lead to secondary infection.