Flea Battle || What should I do if there are fleas on my cat?

Every year from May to October is the season when fleas are active. They like to live in the grass. Basically, if you take cats out for a walk during this time period, you will be recruited. Compared with cats who go out frequently, cats who do not go out are less likely to be infected with fleas, but they also need more precautions. Because flea eggs are easily carried on the clothes of the shit shoveler, when cats are in close contact with us, they may accidentally eat flea eggs and infect fleas. So what do you do if your cat has fleas? Take a look!

What to do if your cat has fleas? The first step is to accurately determine whether it is a flea!

1. During the process of fleas sucking cat blood, it will cause the cat’s skin to itch. If the cat frequently scratches its body, it is likely to be infected with fleas.

2. When brushing the cat, check if there are any small black particles falling. If there is, collect a little, put it on a white paper and add a little water to melt it. If the water turns red, it means that the cat is infected with fleas. (The small particles are flea feces, because fleas eat cat blood, so the color of their excrement is red)

What to do if your cat has fleas? The second step is to take the correct flea control measures

The more common items to deal with cat fleas are: flea collars, sprays, internal and external dewormers, etc.

1. Flea collars: There are cat flea collars ranging from a dozen to dozens of dollars. Some cheap collars contain dichlorvos. Long-term use may cause cat poisoning or even death. Be sure to keep your eyes open when buying. .

2. Flea spray: As far as I know, the relatively safe spray for fleas is Fleaen. It can be used by cats over 2 days old, and it is very safe. It can be sprayed on cats as well as in areas where cats often move. If cats over 8 weeks of age are infected with fleas, you can use Fluenne spray drops, a two-pronged approach.

3. Internal and external anthelmintics: Many people think that cats are infected with fleas and only need to expel them. In fact, this is not the case. Because fleas are the transmission medium of tapeworms, cats can easily eat flea eggs by mistake during the process of licking and infect dogs. Polyporous tapeworm. So once you find fleas on your cat, it’s best to kill tapeworms at the same time.

The more common internal and external anthelmintic drugs on the market include DaChongDai, AiWalker, and Bolaien. However, the first two cat anthelmintics cannot kill tapeworms. They are only effective for adult cat fleas. It is said that adult fleas only account for 5%, while cat fleas in other life stages account for as high as 95%. This part of fleas is the most difficult part of flea control work, so I do not recommend choosing these two. In contrast, Bleuen is more suitable because it is a four-effect compound formula, which can kill adult fleas within 1 day, and can effectively control flea eggs, larvae and flea pupae, so using Bleuen to kill fleas is completely ineffective. repeatedly. In addition, it can kill common parasites such as ticks, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, etc., and has a complete deworming spectrum, which is very suitable for cats’ daily deworming.

What to do if your cat has fleas? The third step is environmental disinfection. If fleas have been found on the cat, then there are likely to be countless fleas hidden in the home environment. If this part of the fleas is not cleaned up, it will come to the cat sooner or later, so environmental disinfection is very important. It can be sprayed with flea drugs that are harmless to pets, especially the corners of the sofa and the bed, which need to be sprayed carefully, and no dead corners can be missed!

What to do if your cat has fleas, have you learned? If you have any other questions, you can leave a message to me!