What’s the matter with the pet rabbit’s head tilted?

Rabbit is also a super cute pet that is very popular now, but raising rabbits is not easy. Sometimes we will find that the rabbit’s head is tilted, and it is a little difficult to even eat. Did you catch a cold while sleeping? In fact, the owner should pay attention at this time, it may have a crooked head. Don’t underestimate this kind of disease, the incidence rate among rabbits is also quite high, and there is no sign. When there is a problem, the owner should not worry, know the disease, and deal with it in time.

Cause: The cause of the rabbit’s disease is the cranial nerve disorder, otitis externa, otitis media, etc. caused by neck skewness. If its balance organ is affected, it can’t move straight, and may keep turning around. lock up.

Symptoms: Usually sick rabbits have no obvious signs at first. At the beginning, the neck is slightly crooked, and the angle of inclination will gradually increase. When the disease is serious, it will even keep turning around in the same place. The pupils will also swing left and right, and if it is caused by bacterial infection, it will also be accompanied by sneezing and runny nose. At this time, the rabbit may have no way to eat by itself, and can only rely on the owner to feed it.

Treatment: There is no effective prevention method for this disease. If you find that the rabbit has a sign of crooked neck, you should consult a veterinarian immediately, and take it to the hospital as soon as possible, for treatment with antibiotics, early detection and early treatment, and cured The probability will also be relatively high. For those who have difficulty eating, the owner can put the food tray in a lower place and feed and drink water from the water tray, which basically does not require liquid food for this disease.

So the owner must be vigilant when he finds the rabbit’s neck crooked, and send it to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, so that it can recover as soon as possible.