Super comprehensive dog deworming knowledge summary dog parents quickly read over

The purpose of deworming dogs is to protect their health and to prevent parasites from harming us humans. The purpose of deworming a dog is to protect its health and to prevent parasites from harming us. As more and more people now have dogs, we advocate scientific dog breeding, one of the important things is to deworm the dog, but many new pooper scoopers may not know much about the concept of dog deworming.

I. Why do you need to deworm your dog?

Dogs are naturally curious, their mouths and noses are like a vacuum cleaner, sniffing here and there, tasting everything dirty, so it is likely that they will eat the eggs or parasites directly into their stomachs. And dogs have frequent contact with the outside world, they often run in the grass, woods, these places are also the habitat of parasites, dogs may accidentally take a few parasites, and parasites are very harmful, so it is necessary to deworm the dog.

II. When should I deworm my dog?

For puppies, the first deworming can be done at about 2 months of age, and for adult dogs, deworming can be done once a month.

III. What are the symptoms of parasitic infection in dogs?

Dogs can’t talk, but they can express themselves through physical symptoms.

① Dogs often rub their bottoms on the ground and itch unbearably, most likely they are infected with internal parasitic tapeworm.

② Dogs always keep scratching a part of the body, there are also pustules, crusts, skin redness and swelling, hair loss phenomenon, may be infected with ectoparasites.

③ When combing the dog’s hair, small black worms are found, and the particles dissolve in water with a bloody color, infected with fleas.

④ The dog’s appetite is normal, but the weight has not increased, or even become thin, and the rib cage is obvious, it may be infected with tapeworms, roundworms and other internal parasites to grab nutrition with it.

⑤ The dog’s stool is abnormal and there are worms in the excrement, which is infected with internal parasites.

IV. How to deworm the dog?

You can choose the corresponding deworming medicine for your dog, which is divided into internal deworming medicine, external deworming medicine and both internal and external deworming.

Here is the main point about in vitro deworming, because summer has arrived, the chances of dogs getting fleas and ticks are higher, so when deworming your dog, you need to pay extra attention to these two kinds of ectoparasites, and you can deworm your dog once a month with Follistim. Foleyne is very effective in killing both fleas and ticks, it inhibits flea eggs, stops larvae from growing and kills adults, which is equivalent to the entire life cycle of fleas, so it kills fleas cleanly within a day, and also eliminates high risk ticks. When using Follistim to deworm your dog, be careful to lift the hair on the back of your dog’s neck to expose the skin and then put the drops on, so that the medicine is stored directly in the sebaceous glands to work.

The final summary: the arrival of spring and summer, parasites also began to rampage, remember to deworm your own dog before taking it out to play, more secure Oh ~.