Dog vomiting is what happened, know these in advance not to panic!

The dog’s gastrointestinal tract is relatively fragile and sensitive, so life can cause them gastrointestinal problems, dog vomiting light can be self-recovery, serious may lead to internal dehydration, muscle imbalance, or even lead to dog heart failure The dog’s body can cause a lot of damage, so the pooper scooper must pay attention to it, so what causes vomiting in dogs, how to solve it, today’s dog veteran to tell you.

Dog vomiting is what happened, there is a situation where the dog ate too much, the reason you may look at it will be laughing and crying, but in fact many dogs are literally big meal buckets, shovel officers to how much to eat how much, do not know what the concept of full, so it is easy to lead to eat propped up, especially puppies, they do not know in the end to eat full, so if you have been feeding, they will always eat, the stomach will be overloaded. The gut will be overburdened, thus indigestion, followed by vomiting, but this situation is not a big deal, the dog will recover, the owner just need to pay attention to the back to reduce the amount of food on it.

Another situation is the dog’s internal parasites and vomiting, serious and even directly in the vomit can see the parasites, the dog will also appear to eat fat, depressed phenomenon, this time must be timely deworming, take my own experience, before I was raising a dog white, did not pay attention to the internal deworming, resulting in the dog infected with internal parasites, it not only vomits, but also After I listened to the doctor’s advice, I gave him the Canine Heartcare, his mental condition was obviously much better, and he didn’t vomit or have diarrhea.

It can kill 6 kinds of parasites in 3 categories, such as roundworms and hookworms, and the internal parasites are very comprehensive, more importantly, it can prevent heartworm 100%, heartworm we must prevent, not only easy to infect, lethality is also very high, data shows that some areas of the country every 5 dogs Once the heartworm becomes an adult worm in the dog, it is almost incurable, and the success rate is extremely low due to immature removal surgery in China.

The side effects are minimal, so there is no vomiting, diarrhea, etc. It is very dog friendly.

The dog vomited what is going on, I believe that the pooper scoopers know, and finally I would like to say that regular internal deworming for the dog is not only responsible for the dog, but also for the health of the family, deworming work to pay attention to, once a month dog heart insurance essential Oh, I hope that all dogs are eating well, do healthy little angel.