How terrible is heartworm infection in dogs? Heartworm knowledge you really need to know

Summer has crept in, for dogs and pooper scoopers common parasite challenge more and more fierce up, in addition to our usual in the dog common fleas, ticks, there is a reliance on mosquito bites spread, infectious high heartworm disease, according to statistics, an average of 5 dogs inside the heartworm infection will be 1, really appalling ah. In order to avoid irreversible tragedies, it is especially important to do a good job of heartworm prevention in advance, after all, heartworm can be lethal, let me slowly tell you about its terrible nature.

What exactly is heartworm?

Heartworm is a common internal parasite in dogs, it is transmitted through the bite of mosquitoes, when the mosquito with heartworm larvae bite a healthy dog, you can easily infect the source of the disease to the dog, heartworm larvae will be parasitic in the dog’s blood, wait 3-6 months they absorb nutrients, and gradually grow into heartworm adult worms will be transferred to the dog’s heart The heartworm larvae will be in the dog’s bloodstream for 3-6 months and will absorb nutrients and grow into adult heartworms that will move to the dog’s heart and lungs, where they will multiply and grow rapidly.

What are the symptoms of heartworm disease?

The symptoms of heartworm disease are related to the size and number of worms, if the number is small, the dog will not show much, but when the symptoms are obvious, the infection is usually more serious.

In the early stage of heartworm, the dog may not have any symptoms, only a slight cough, bring to the examination can not find out the cause; after the dog will appear slight symptoms, can feel the dog’s energy and vitality is not as good as before, often after the exercise constantly cough, feel very tired; wait for the heartworm adult has grown, the dog’s heart and lungs have been more serious damage, will When the adult heartworms have grown, the dog’s heart and lungs are already severely damaged and the dog will be coughing up blood.

How can I prevent my dog from getting heartworms?

You can take your dog for heartworm vaccination once a year.

Heartworm prevention can be done regularly with Canine Heartworm, which is an internal dewormer for dogs that can be used to prevent heartworms when deworming your dog regularly every month. It is made from real beef chunks and has a very good palatability, which dogs love to eat, and the ingredients are mild and safe for dogs over 6 weeks old.

The dog’s parents should be aware that especially in summer, the dog should not be taken to places where there are many mosquitoes, so as to reduce the chances of contact between the dog and mosquitoes, and not to play in the humid and hot forest.

Take your dog for regular annual checkups, such as blood tests for antigens, ultrasound tests, etc., to make early decisions about prevention.

Dogs infected with heartworm how terrible you understand, heartworm is equivalent to a dog session “killer”, even if the heartworm removal surgery, the risk of surgery is also very large, and China is not yet mature technical support for dogs infected with heartworm disease, that is really a life line, so we have to start with So we need to start with prevention and eliminate heartworm! It is important to do a good monthly deworming.