How to train a two year old Golden? These are some great methods

Golden hair in the canine intelligence is considered relatively high, many working dogs will choose the golden hair, of course, want to make their golden hair obedient, the necessary training or need. That two years how to train the golden hair? Do not be too rough when training, while using a clear muzzle to train it, anytime and anywhere can become the time to train, these are the methods to train the golden hair.

When it comes to the golden hair, many people’s first reaction is that this type of dog is very smart, indeed the golden hair’s IQ is not low, learning things is very fast. Of course, want it to learn simple commands, or need to be done through training, the best training time for puppies is between one and three months, miss this time is actually trainable. Then how to train a two year old Golden? Today and we will introduce a few good methods.

A. Roughness is not desirable

Animals are wary in the face of humans, and dogs are the same. For a two-year-old golden hair, it is not advisable to use physical punishment to force it to complete various orders. From the golden hair’s point of view, it will feel in front of this person without any reason to beat their own, which will make it feel very uneasy, so if you want to train the golden hair, then the first thing to avoid is rough training.

Second, a clear muzzle

The memory and understanding of the golden hair is very good in the dog, but in order for the golden hair to understand the command you sent, it needs to be clear, in the training time it is best to use simple, clearly pronounced words to train it, and can not say the same command repeatedly for a long time. At the same time, when issuing the command to pay attention to the tone of voice, do not use the angry tone of voice to command each other.

Three, anytime and anywhere training

Some people think that training the golden hair is to focus on a period of time to train it, in fact, this is not the case, when training should not be a long time continuous training, but should take piecemeal training. You can train it anytime and anywhere, when you walk, when you eat or when you have guests, as long as the scene is appropriate, you can do the relevant command training.

Four, praise moderate

The golden hair is actually similar to a small baby, if praised too much, it will appear the same rebellious psychology. For the golden hair repeated praise is only suitable for those who are very well behaved golden hair, do not move to praise it. Of course, when it completes a command correctly, or does a very good thing, it is also necessary to praise.

The above is the content of today’s and everyone’s two years of how to train the golden hair, the golden hair’s intelligence is relatively high, the training is not very difficult, as long as you pay a certain amount of patience, you can teach the golden hair to be very well behaved.