7 ways to teach you how to get rid of cat fleas more thoroughly!

Cat fleas are a very common parasite, cat infection, not only because it causes skin inflammation, more importantly, cat fleas carry a variety of bacteria, and even cause some zoonotic infectious diseases, like plague, murine typhus and other diseases in the process of transmission, fleas are an important transmission medium. So for the health of cats and their owners, it is important to do a good job of preventing and killing fleas on cats.

1, how to remove the cat fleas? You can mix orange peel, grapefruit peel, three cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of rosemary (or not) and about 500 ml of water together, stir well with a juicer, and then heat for 15 minutes on low heat. Wait for it to cool and then put it into a spray bottle, avoid the cat’s eyes and spray it onto its body.

2、How to remove cat fleas? You can put some herbal packs regularly in the area where your cat often moves. The packs can be filled with leaves of cedar, laurel, eucalyptus, as well as lavender, absinthe, fennel, mint, etc. This method can also get rid of cat fleas!

3、How to get rid of cat fleas? You can mix a teaspoon of vinegar in about 1000 ml of water as your cat’s daily drinking water, which is very effective in preventing fleas and flat ticks.

4、How to remove fleas from cats more thoroughly? Once a month, you can give your cat Boraine in vitro and in vivo. It is a four-action compound formula, in which fipronil and methoxyprogesterone are specially used to deal with fleas, ticks, lice and other ectoparasites. At the same time, the acetamido avermectin and praziquantel in Boraine can eliminate roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms, which is completely sufficient for domestic cats.

5、How to remove cat fleas more thoroughly? Bathing your cat to keep its body clean is also an effective way to eliminate fleas. While bathing, you can use flea-killing shampoo and care solution to clean your cat starting from the head and little by little towards the tail to thoroughly remove fleas from within the hair.

6、How to remove cat fleas more thoroughly? Keeping your cat’s living environment clean and comfortable is the best way to eliminate the breeding of cat fleas. If you have a cat family, you must clean and ventilate more often. Regularly vacuum the floors and dead corners of the house. Cat litter, cat clothes, toys, food bowls and other items need to be cleaned regularly and taken to the sun for disinfection, and you can also spray pet disinfectant to prevent the breeding and growth of cat fleas.

7、How to remove cat fleas more thoroughly? If the cat fleas are more serious and cause the cat to develop skin disease, the epidermis begins to appear red patches, and accompanied by the phenomenon of hair loss. The pooper scooper should take the cat to the vet in time to avoid aggravating the cat’s condition.

These are the seven solutions on how to remove fleas from cats more thoroughly. These methods can be used in combination with your own actual situation, which is better than a single flea control method. Finally, we remind you that cat fleas are more a matter of prevention than an afterthought, and the above-mentioned methods can be actively used in the process of daily cat ownership!