Month: July 2022

What are the parasites in cats? Can I have a cat while pregnant?

Now more and more families keep cats, cats are like our family members, but once the hostess is pregnant, some people worry about whether the parasites on the cat will affect the fetus. In particular, some elderly people are stubborn in their thinking. Better to give the cat away directly, and some even choose to …

What are the parasites in cats? Can I have a cat while pregnant? Read More »

How to deworm cats effectively? Which worms do you want to expel?

How to deworm cats effectively? As the saying goes, the right medicine is the right medicine. So first we need to know what are the common parasites? What are their routes of transmission? And then take measures to wipe them out. According to where the parasites live, parasites on cats can be divided into two …

How to deworm cats effectively? Which worms do you want to expel? Read More »

Internal repellents are highly toxic, so be careful when deworming kittens!

A stray cat picked up by a friend some time ago, followed her like a follower all day long. Niu Meng Niu Meng is very cute. Before the internal drive, the cat was in good health. As a result, after taking the deworming medicine, the cat died inexplicably the next day. The doctor said that …

Internal repellents are highly toxic, so be careful when deworming kittens! Read More »

Can cat ear mites be cured repeatedly? Don’t worry about finding the right way!

Cat ear mites are a common disease, especially in warm spring and summer, and are highly contagious. Although cat ear mites are not a serious disease, they are easy to repeat, and it takes some effort and time to completely cure them. If the treatment is not timely, it will cause secondary bacterial infection, causing …

Can cat ear mites be cured repeatedly? Don’t worry about finding the right way! Read More »

What to do if you have a cat tapeworm infection? Simple and effective method of deworming

Some time ago, I found something similar to white rice grains on my cat’s butt. At first, I thought it was stained with cat litter, but after a closer look, this thing still moved, which surprised me at the time. Consult your vet immediately to find out that this is a cat tapeworm! If your …

What to do if you have a cat tapeworm infection? Simple and effective method of deworming Read More »

What is the difference between ear mites and earwax? How to treat cat ear mites?

Some people think that a cat with dirty ears has ear mites. In fact, the dirty ears of cats are not necessarily ear mites. It should be distinguished by the characteristics of the dirt in the ears of cats. Let’s take a look at the difference between cat ear mites and earwax, and how to …

What is the difference between ear mites and earwax? How to treat cat ear mites? Read More »