Month: July 2022

Dog vomiting is what happened, know these in advance not to panic!

The dog’s gastrointestinal tract is relatively fragile and sensitive, so life can cause them gastrointestinal problems, dog vomiting light can be self-recovery, serious may lead to internal dehydration, muscle imbalance, or even lead to dog heart failure The dog’s body can cause a lot of damage, so the pooper scooper must pay attention to it, …

Dog vomiting is what happened, know these in advance not to panic! Read More »

Super detailed deworming strategy||read how to deworm a cat at a glance!

On the question of “how to deworm a cat”, today I would like to leave behind the same old articles and answers on the internet and share only the useful information for your cat’s health. It is recommended to collect for newbie poopers! First, how to deworm cats, first of all, to understand why we …

Super detailed deworming strategy||read how to deworm a cat at a glance! Read More »

How terrible is heartworm infection in dogs? Heartworm knowledge you really need to know

Summer has crept in, for dogs and pooper scoopers common parasite challenge more and more fierce up, in addition to our usual in the dog common fleas, ticks, there is a reliance on mosquito bites spread, infectious high heartworm disease, according to statistics, an average of 5 dogs inside the heartworm infection will be 1, …

How terrible is heartworm infection in dogs? Heartworm knowledge you really need to know Read More »

The pooper scooper look over, dog deworming medicine to share the heart

Dogs are not only our pets, but also our “family members”, their health is directly related to our health, and it is a regular task for pooper scoopers to deworm their dogs. Some parasites can also cause fever, coughing, and in severe cases, fatal diseases! Therefore, the work of deworming your dog should not be …

The pooper scooper look over, dog deworming medicine to share the heart Read More »

How often is it appropriate to deworm cats? Here’s the standard answer!

Parasites are found all year round, and they are especially rampant in the hot and humid summer climate. Parasite infections in cats can lead to skin inflammation, diarrhea and vomiting, or death. What’s worse is that some parasites can also cause zoonotic diseases, so you must remember to deworm your cat. But how often is …

How often is it appropriate to deworm cats? Here’s the standard answer! Read More »

7 ways to teach you how to get rid of cat fleas more thoroughly!

Cat fleas are a very common parasite, cat infection, not only because it causes skin inflammation, more importantly, cat fleas carry a variety of bacteria, and even cause some zoonotic infectious diseases, like plague, murine typhus and other diseases in the process of transmission, fleas are an important transmission medium. So for the health of …

7 ways to teach you how to get rid of cat fleas more thoroughly! Read More »